Relationship Clinic

What we do

Royal Diadem Relationship Clinic is a couselling page which focused on improving:
  • Emotional bonds
  • Reconnection with a partner
  • Rebuild broken Trust
  • Emotional and psychological effects of a relationship
  • Communication
  • Sexual challenges breakdown
  • Coping with breakup or divorce effects of a past traumas
  • Depression or anxiety with one or both partners
  • Forgiveness
  • Healthy problem-solving skills
  • Dynamics of relationship
  • Amicable ways to bring their relationship to an end.
  • Anger management
  • Frequent conflict or high-stress levels
  • Dealing with domestic violence
Royal Diadem Relationship Clinic helps with a wide range of issues, making use of evidence-based psychological methods and assessment, with a completely non-judgemental attitude and a compassionate approach.
You can come for couples and relationship advice or counselling.
Marriage Counselling can benefit couples in marriage, would-be-couple (preparing for marriage), (pre-marital counselling), or at the verge of a breakup.
You can assess online services anywhere, from the comfort of any device.
However, physical Counselling (face-to-face) is currently only offered in Abuja, Nigeria.
Help Desk
WhatsApp: +234 805 5231 278
Call: +234 805 5231 278
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